
So I wanted to put this post out before Hunter’s big day. Tomorrow is his operation.

So the begining of Hunter’s bad luck begins with mange. We noticed it at about his about six month. Maybe a little sooner but we just taught it was  because he was licking  himself. It was a really mild case, it just looked like little bald spots, and  we had taken him to the Vet plenty of times and  none of the times have they mentioned anything about it. So we bring him in one day and they decide to do a skin scraping. We all know what the results  were. So the  poor guy finally kicked  it after about six months with two negative skin scrapings. So more like five. So after finally getting that taken care of, he got him neutered a couple days  after his 1st birthday. Bad for his man hood but good for his health. Luckily the mange wasn’t anything serious and probably not as a  big deal as I make it  seem because I think I mentioned somewhere of him have a bad life and/or bad luck. I just feel bad for the guy because  he had that and now he has cancer. He’s only a year and three months the  2nd of  May. So far we’ve  been pretty strong and looking at the positive. I even took him to the doggy park two days ago and took tons of pictures of him and his new friends. We were there for  about two hours. OH! and more  bad luck, his paw pads got all scraped up and was pealing and coming off, he was bleeding. I’m like wtf, if it’s not one thing it’s another. So we got some  solution to clean the area and bought some shoes today so he  can go outside and use the rest room and  not get his feet dirty and irritated. Also  he’ll be wearing  them when we go back to the doggy park, hopefully soon. Overall its been a long ordeal but such a short time. I just hope he has much more time to be with us. Pictures will come up in a bout a week or  two.


I’ve been a little  busy, but once i get to sit down, I’m going to read the stories you guy’s took the time to write and  share the love back.

Thanks Again,


Background of his story.

I love my dog to death! My fiance got him when he was just a couple weeks old. I was in the military at the time and we were in different states, so by the time I got to meet him, he was already four months young. I’ve been there for him since then and taught him everything he know’s. He’s had bad luck through the short time he’s been growing up. He’s a year and almost three months and he’s gone through Mange which was mild and as of yesterday he’s been diagnosed with cancer. In a couple days, on the of the 1st of May, he will join the Tripawds club. I can’t believe he has cancer, especially at such a young age and with the hope that it was a fungal infection that could get treated. It broke our hearts, but we are trying to stay positive. Been looking at the web for answers and came across this site. It’s nice to see there are other dogs who were able to over come an obstacle like losing a leg. So I want to tell my story of my dog, and maybe it can help others, maybe not. But I love my dog and I just want to put him out there and honor him. He’s my best friend. He’s my son.